
Savannah College of Art and Design Radio Dramas (SCADRD.BLOGSPOT.COM)

These are the scripts for the upcoming series. All the featured on this website are hereby Copyright 2008, by Zach Bassett.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Promotional posters

general for promo art
For those working on promotional art, or looking to - I now need to assemble your powers. I have posted Character designs on the, I have posted brief descriptions and thumbnails of what I thought the covers could be as well. So now I just need people to sign up to do the artwork, I want all styles! No one has claimed any yet but I will post a comment confirming the artists and covers they are working on under this wall post on facebook. The art should be proportionate to 6.5” wide x 7.5” tall (that’s in inches people). The whole show is supposed to have a retro-scifi feel if that helps any of you and so the covers are supposed to spoof or reference indirectly comic covers such as these,
and in fact the layout of the promo posters will follow closely the layout of the last link with the large title bar across the top specifically, which is why the art is as constrained as it is (proportion wise). You should try to have the viewer caught in the midst of the action or major plot of that episode on the cover. If you need more explanation on this you can email me or if you need clarity on the situation during which the cover takes place you could just read the episode.

Lastly to the artists, the art is not to be colored. Gray tones may be applied if they are zippatone/screentone/halftone dot patterns but these will be photocopied so grays and colors will become black. So keep it to black and white art, thanks and don’t forget to contact me before you start and tell me which one you would like to work on.

here are the cover summaries.

Episode 1: High speed chase between two hover cars. One of them morris is driving and Isaac is in the back seat freaking out. The other car has a man hanging out the window firing a machine-gun like laser weapon into the side of morris’ car. Or you could do the same thing but instead of the man shooting at morris’ car, morris’ car could be swiping and slamming into the villains’’ car, sending them hurdling towards the median.

Episode 2: a kodukai alien is sticking his tongue out to lick aurorra’s face/ear. All the crew but graham is handcuffed with laser binders and on their knees. Liam could be trying to stop it but gets hit.

Episode 3: the exodus and osotic’as ships are engaged in a dogfight but the bounty hunter’s ship (osotica’s ship) is destroying the exodus’ turrets.

Episode 4: the crew of the vanguard stand face to face with the crew of the exodus.

Episode 5: Bob is on the outside of the ship headed for the oxygen processor which is hooked up to an odd machine creating the gas inside the ship. But capt. Whitaker in a space suit stands between bob and his goal holding a shock stick.

Episode 6: The side of the ship gets blown open and everyone is holding on for dear life to not get sucked out. Graham is holding onto isaac’s foot, who is holding onto gail ,who is slipping. They are one room in form the room that was blown open, Morris is reaching for the button to shut the door between the two rooms.
Or gail is reaching for the crew as they enter the ship, her suit is being torn apart by the mutants as a radioactive sun rises in the background.

Episode 7: mutated crew members surround and jump down the narrow cavern walls to the bounty hunter who is holding tracking device, maybe he fires off a few shots.
Or Minerva glows as everyone in the ship floats.

Episode 8: a bearded graham (on screen) is being overthrown by kodukai on the other end of a communication. On this end, Dylan is tranquilized and in the arms of either graham or a kodukai (pat-mok).

Episode 9: The crew hold back graham as he grabs graham by the collar, ready to beat the shit out of him. The crew are on graham’s side.
Or Dylan barley standing is holding her throat, trying to point to graham. Liam is trying to help and is shocked, graham points to liam as if he is the culprit the crew are on his side, or graham is just looking evil and scheme-hatching.

Episode 10: Isaac and bob, pushing Dylan in a chriochamber dive to avoid falling debris from the ceiling that the exodus’ laser cannons have shot out. Or seen from graham’s point of view in the turret shooting it out. They are headed into igsta (a nasa like government facility) with computers etc, on earth.
Or morris is going to press a button to send the signal to earth but graham pulls a gun on him, it can be shooting or not.
Or the exodus is shooting and destroying cop cars, which explode as they come around to corner of the igsta parking lot. We can see the jump gate.

Episde 11. a wounded morris looks confused as he points the laser gun at what appears to be two liams rolling around wrestling. They may be pointing at one another as if to say, (he is the impostor).
Or briggs and quinn are handcuffed by laser binders to something in the room, cops and everyone else leave as tons of people bang/come through the windows, an angry mob ready to get their revenge.

here are the character designs to stick to.





osotica - the bounty hunter

liam and morris


aurorra - she wears a pancho type thing with a hood to conceal the fact that she is pregnant.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Terra Novus, Ep. 11 - The End?

DJ: And now for our feature presentation of TERRA NOVUS: and original radio drama Created and presented by SCAD Radio Dramas (Scattered).

SFX: Intro theme.
dj: last week on terra novus...

Sfx: Lighting cracks, transition music.

Morris: Are you out of your mind?

Graham: You said “do something.”

Morris: Yeah, something, I didn’t mean this.

Dylan: (coming through the communicator full of static.) ... ifff– youuu -ca— hea... this. Send the.. Ignal. Do – –u cop–Y. We’re ready Morris, send the signal.

Morris: Alright Isaac, don’t worry I’m going to go press the button now.

Sfx: Morris walks over to the control panel as he talks. Start eerie double-crossing theme.

Morris: There’s no way any of us are going to get out of this now Graham. You’ve doomed us all to a life behind bars. You’ve murdered policemen in cold blood. It won’t matter what we tell them now, were all going to be locked up.

Graham: (sinisterly) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Morris: Yeah, (scoffs) like I’m not going to press the button now that they’re ready for it, and throw away everything this mission has been building up to. (Chuckels) You kill me, you know that Graham.

Sfx: music cuts off.

Graham: well, since you asked me so nicely.

Sfx: gun charges up.

Morris: (Gasps)

sfx: a laser gun fires, hitting Morris in the chest.

Morris: Gkk-ah!

Sfx: Thunder cracks and transition music. Music is intense, full of immediacy.

Isaac: Come on, come on. What’s taking them so long?

DYLAN: Maybe they didn’t get the signal, like in the other room. Better try again.

Isaac: Sighs impatiently.

Sfx: He presses the button on the communicator.

Isaac: It’s now or never! Send the signal Morris! Send it –-

sfx: She’s cut off by a sharp noise like a microphone giving feedback. Dylan and Isaac wince at the noise. Then a channel comes into tune from static.

Graham: (over the communicator) I will never send your signal.

Isaac: Graham? Graham is that you?

Graham (over the communicator): I don’t know why you keep calling me Graham. When you should be calling me.. (voice changes and he morphs back into his true form) Pat-mok!

Dylan and Isaac: (Gasp!)

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

Dj: And now what you’ve all been waiting for, the exciting conclusion, the final chapter of terra novus. Episode 11.

PAT-MOK: In a few moments I will fire on the jump gate with the ship’s turrets and destroy it.

Dylan: But then there wouldn’t be another jumpgate to create the worm hole to. You would be leaving all those helpless terra formers up there to die.

PAT-MOK: Helpless? Helpless?!! They didn’t’ look so helpless when they were murdering my brothers and sisters, my wife and my children. They didn’t look so helpless then! They didn’t look so helpless when they tried to exterminate my entire species and take over our planet, an indigenous species, and then turn around and call it your own, call it your home, call it Terra Novus. Where’s your sense of manners. Do you all just take what you want, everything’s yours if you can kill to have it? But wait, it’s just in your “human’s nature” isn’t it. Your history holds countless examples of how you’ve done it time and time again. If we hadn’t thought that your species would destroy itself before it ever made it to space travel, we probably wouldn’t have been so surprised. I’ll bet your surprised. I was. (Start fading out, making him in the background) Everything was going according to plan, you were all so oblivious to it all. You humans always try to see the best in people, make them out to be heroes even when they’re obviously not.

Morris: (grunts as he tries to pull himself up to his feet) Got.. To .. Get to.. Liam. Let.. Him .. Out. He’s our.. Only , hope... ngh.

sfx: Transition music, a door opens.

Morris: Liam..

Sfx: Falls to the floor.

Morris: Ngh! (Sighs)

liam: Morris, are you alright? What happened?

Morris: (Winces as he pulls himself up and struggles to press the button.)

Sfx: Pushes button, the electricity stops on his cell and the door opens. Start compassionate mourning music. Almost like redemption music.

Liam: You’re..? you’re letting me out? I thought....

Morris: (Panting and exhausted, wheezing and coughing up blood) You were right. It was Graham, he’s not who he says he is, he’s some sort of alien. The bastard shot me in the back as I was trying to press the button.

Liam: What button? What are you talking about?

Morris: For the signal, it’s on the main console. You have.. To press the button send .. end the signal for Isaac.

Liam: Alright I’ll press it, right after I get you some help.

Morris: No! The button first, then you can come back for me.

Liam: But I–

Morris: Go!

Liam: (Sighs) I’ll be back for you!

Morris: Go get’em kid. (Coughs painfully)

SFX: Transition music

PAT-MOK: And then Dylan had to go and fix that damn transceiver right as the real Graham tried to contact her. After that I was sure it was over, I was just going to have to come out and kill you all right then and there. And then I remembered the doctor, Liam. He couldn’t read - and he suddenly became the perfect scapegoat for all my doings.

LIAM: Read my lips you backstabbing Judas, the buck stops here!

SFX: start action music. Punches him, he falls to the floor.

PAT-MOK: Ungh! You? How’d you - Eh, no matter.

SFX: Charges his gun

PAT-MOK: at least I’m not stupid enough to bring a knife to a-

SFX: Liam runs over and punches him again. The two wrestle, both struggling. Liam starts slamming his gun into the wall repeatedly.

LIAM: You’re slacking off on the job old boy, you were supposed to be watching ME!

PAT-MOK: What are you doing?

SFX: Drops gun which slides across the floor.

PAT-MOK: My gun? (Sighs) Do you really think you could beat me, a doctor against a Kodukai Warrior?

Sfx: music cuts out.

MORRIS: No, (coughs) but I can.

SFX: Picks up the fallen gun and charges it.

PAT-MOK: (his voice goes from Pat-mok’s to Liam’s) Ah, but can beat...

Sfx: Morphs into Liam.

PAT-MOK: Your friend?

Sfx: start confusing chaotic action music.

MORRIS: (in his head) What? He changed himself to look like Liam, I can’t tell which one’s which.

SFX: Struggle.

Morris: Stop rolling around I’m losing track of the real you.

PAT-MOK (as voiced by Liam): It’s him.

LIAM: No, he’s the imposter, it’s really him.

PAT-MOK (as voiced by Liam): I am not, you are.

Liam: No you ar– (starts choking)

PAT-MOK (as voiced by Liam): Oh shut up will you. Quick here’s your chance shoot him, shoot him now.

Morris: But how do I know it’s you? How do I know you’re not really him?

PAT-MOK (as voiced by Liam): Look at me, I am him?

Morris: I thought so.

Sfx: music cuts out. Laser gun blasts one of them.

PAT-MOK (as voiced by Liam): (Grunts in pain as his voice returns to that of Pat-mok.)

Sfx: He stumbles back and trips into a chriochamber, which closes on him.

Pat-mok: Ugh.. What, no!

Morris: If you were the real Graham, you’d be yourself not “him.”

Pat-mok: (Muffled from inside the chamber) No! Nooooooooo - (fades off)

sfx: The chamber beeps and the process starts just like with Dylan until he is chriosleep.

Liam: Jolly good timing, Morris. Morris?

Sfx: Start sad emotional hero death music. Morris drops the gun and falls to the floor. Liam runs over. Also start a slowly heartbeat noise that is slowing down in the background.

Liam: Morris?

Sfx: He picks his head up and holds it in his arms. His heart beats loudly.

Liam: You’re going to be alright, let me just run to the medlab and get some things-


LIAM: But,, why. I need to act quick so I can—

Sfx: Music changes to different variation of theme. More accepting of death.

MORRIS: (Breathing heavy and coughing, he talks softly) No. I don’t deserve someone to save me. I wanted the same thing they did, to sell the location off to the highest bidder. Always wanted to make an extra buck, as dishonestly as I could. Speaking of saving - when that android 808, Bob, gets back tell him “thank you” for me. For all of us, he really saved our ass after that explosion back with the other ship, even now. I want him to know. I want them all to know - those of them that are left, that I appreciate them,... never got to tell them... too stubborn.

Liam: Shh, shh shh, it’s okay I’ll tell him just let me go, I can’t stop this bleeding. I can still get to the --

MORRIS: Wait, I’m not finished. I want you to have it, I want you to have my space station. Hell if this thing is still together when this is all over sell it too. I know you took this job to pay off your gambling debts, and I told you I would pay you. So take it, it was my only love. Sell my love so that you can save yours. Save your family. (pause, coughs) I wish I had had a family.

Sfx: music gets tender.

LIAM: You still can, just-

MORRIS: no, take the hanger, I won’t need it where I’m going.

LIAM: No. (Starts to sob) you’re not going anywhere. Don’t-

MORRIS: (sighs his last breath-).

Sfx: the heartbeat gets louder for the last few seconds. The heart beats one final time then stops.

LIAM: don’t go. Don’t go!!! no! (Starts crying)

SFX: fade out to transition music. Cops are banging on the door. Dylan pushes the button on the communicator.

DYLAN: Send the signal, push the button - somebody! Anybody! Can anyone hear me?!

Isaac: (Struggles to keep the door shut as they over power him) Rrrrr–

sfx: the cops blow the door down.

Isaac: ahhh.

SFX: Isaac goes stumbling across the floor and falls near Dylan.

COPS: Freeze!

Sfx: their guns charge up as if ready to fire on them and then we hear a cell phone go off.

COP 1: What’s that?

COP 2: It’s my cellphone sir.

SFX: Then all the cops walkies talkies turn on. The tv’s turn on, the intercom turns on, all the computer screens go to the signal.

THE SIGNAL: this is an emergency broadcast across all stations, all forms of media, everything. Everyone must know what is going on behind your eyes, with your money.

COP 1: What’s going on?

COP 2: Who’s doing this?

DYLAN: It worked, someone heard us up there and sent the signal.

ISAAC: It worked. (Dylan kisses him) Whoa.

SFX: Now cut between different major cities ambient background noises, with people talking in those languages quietly. Time square, Beijing, South America, Germany, India, Africa - as many different locations as we can find foreign speaking students who can translate this message and then cut between them.

THE SIGNAL: IGSTA, the Inter-galactic Space Travel Association has for some 10 years now found and been in the process of terraforming another planet while deceiving the rest of the population into thinking they were still looking for a planet at all, in an effort to drive up the price of dwindling goods back here on earth. Were they going to tell us when they were finished? If you had the money they were. This is a map showing the location of what is commonly referred to as a jump gate, a technology stolen from the indigenous population of Terra Novus, known as the Kodukai, and then reverse engineered in an effort to cut travel charges and better hide their activities. IGSTA ordered and carried out their mission of killing almost every man woman and child that lived on this planet to make it seem as though we had landed on an uncharted planet, but we didn’t. The Jump gate here on earth creates a worm hole between it and its counterpart on Terra Novus and has now been locked open, so that all who wish to travel freely to this new planet may do so immediately. A copy of Edward Burgos’ space logs has been sent to every major company in the world, describing every event that took place from the planet’s discovery to its cover up - leading up to his death. As well as this video recorded by IGSTA android 808, who was on Terra Novus when he accidentally caught this scene on his data recorders while on Terra Novus.

Cop 1: Look, the tv.

BRIGGS (IGSTA VICE PRESIDENT): Hey that’s me. How did they - you told me you’d erase it.

QUINN: The 808 android was stolen before we could do it.

VIDEO (over the tv):
SFX: Man walks into a room and shuts the door behind him.

BRIGGS: What’s that thing doing here.

QUINN (CHIEF ROBITICS ENGINEER: Don’t worry it’s off, what did you need to talk to me about.

BRIGGS: Do you have any idea what could happen if this got out? There’s no telling what they would do to us, the company. It could bring down everything. .

QUINN: There also no limit to how rich we could be either. And besides it’s not getting out. And if things do happen to get too hot, we can always just hitch a ride through the worm hole and destroy the gate behind us from our side. Just live out the rest of our lives there, just like a desert island. The only ones that would know would be the terraformers. We’ve already got enough supplies to sustain us for years and the terraformers have everything they or we could need.

BRIGGS: So if we can play our card right we can have our cake and eat it too. Live like kings on our own planet.

QUINN: Filthy stinking rich.

BRIGGS: Especially after we send up that next search mission and make things seem more desperate, two search missions - and I don’t think this one is coming back either.

SFX: (Both laugh.)

BRIGGS: yeah, it took a chunk of change though to pay those guys off, retirement, and keep their families quiet. That kind of silence doesn’t come cheap.

QUINN: You’re not thinking of the big picture here. That was pennies compared to what were going to be making.

BOB: I do not understand. Father Quinn, Chief robotics engineer, (pause) IGSTA Vice President Briggs. Please explain.

BRIGGS: Oh shit, I thought you told me he was off.

QUINN: I thought he was! (Sighs) Ah it’s alright. I’ll have one of my technicians erase his memory banks later, and for now we can bug him with a tracking beacon that will block his neural-inhibitors, so he’ll think he can’t remember. Nobody will ever know what we’ve done. And no one will be able to get him to court to use for evidence without us knowing, and trust me if they do take him they wont be making it to court.

BRIGGS: Well, turn him off anyway... he’s giving me the creeps.

Sfx: Reaches over and switches him off.

Sfx: end video.

BRIGGS: Just what the hell is going on?!

Sfx: Start dark heroic music, like a revolution, uprising, revolt. Etc, the truth is out.

ISAAC: It’s on your cell phones, your radios, tvs, computers and emails. It is everywhere and there is no one with even the most basic of technology at this point that didn’t just hear that message, that didn’t just hear the truth. There’s no more hiding, no more lying. You’ve been trying to keep the people of the world desperate and dumb to your actions. Keep them so caught up in fighting each other over the last loaf of bread, that they wouldn’t have time stand together and revolt against the real threat - you. Well now they know, and it’s only a matter of time before they revolt.

BRIGGS: You stupid kid. You think they’ll believe you. Believe this, this video. An illegal broadcast with no credible sources, where’s the proof. Where did you get that video and where is the original. Who will testify against me?

Bob: I will.

QUINN: 808?

COP 1: Sir?

QUINN: It doesn’t matter, the world is run by money. No one is stupid enough to go through with persecuting me, with believing this. You’d undermine the global economy. Without which we’ll never have the money to finish the terraforming project, or keep fighting the Kodukai.

COP 2: Sir.

QUINN: Not now.

COP 1: Sir

QUINN: What! What is it!

COP 1: I think you should have a look at this.

SFX: He pushes back the shades. We can hear a crowd outside against a chain link fence. Start truly heroic theme.

Quinn: (Gasps) Oh my god, look at all those people, thousands of them, trying to push they’re way in.

Isaac: Tell it to them, tell it to the people you lied to. Oh yeah and one more thing, did you say “finish.”

QUINN: What? No, I didn’t say that?

ISAAC: I believe you did.

SFX: Presses button and starts rewinding tape

ISAAC: You know, you were right I didn’t have all the evidence I needed. But you just handed me the last nail for your own coffin.

QUINN: What do you mean?

BRIGGS: I didn’t say that, I’m leaving.

COP 1: Not so fast. Let the kid finish.

SFX: The cop laser binds him to a table. Isaac hits play.

ISAAC: The whole world’s been watching you ever since you set foot in this room.

AUDIO RECORD: “No one is stupid enough to go through with persecuting me, with believing this. You’d undermine the global economy. Without which we’ll never have the money to finish the terraforming project.”

ISAAC: I believe you have to start something before you can finish it isn’t that right?

QUINN: (nervous) Well, I uh.

BOB: I believe so.

Isaac: So am I to understand when you said finish you meant that you had already stated the terraforming project on Terra Novus?

QUINN: No, I uh..

BRIGGS: Ah shut up Quinn, (under his breath, angrily) Now you listen to me you little brat. If you let them through, they’ll die, we don’t have the resources on the Terra Novus yet to support that many people - you’ll be sending them to their graves. The planet is still at war with the Kodukai and the jump gate (which you so nobly made a publicly known location) will be a major target for terrorist groups, you’ve bottle necked the words entire population for them. It will be like shooting fish in a barrel. Not to mention there’s no way to regulate this sort of thing, we’ve never even dealt with inter-stellar immigration on a global scale like this before. You’ve wrecked everything. Their blood will be on your hands.

Sfx: start final closing heroic theme.

Isaac: No I’ve wrecked your money making scheme, I’ve exposed you. And you want to talk about blood, how about the blood of all the Kodukai you gave the orders to murder when you went to Terra Novus. What about them? And how many people have you lied to, how many have you deceived. Have you told these policemen you’re with what you are doing. Were they going to be allowed to go too? Is there anybody who wouldn’t leave you alone to rot and be beaten to death by that mob outside to save their homes, lives and families, to leave now that they know of Terra Novus? (pause) I don’t think so.

Sfx: Undoes his gun and helmet and sets them on the floor.

COP 1: He’s right. I don’t want to die on this planet. I don’t want to fight those people. (Scoffs) You’re scum, you might have paid my bills for a while but I can’t do this anymore. Not for any price, not now that I know what’s really going on. I’m with this guy.

Cop 2: Me too.

Sfx: The rest of the police all lay down their arms and join in with Isaac, saying “Me too.”

QUINN: Hey wait, don’t leave. Aren’t you going to protect me? Aren’t my guards going to guard me.

BRIGGS: Where are you going?

COP 1: (pause) To pack.

QUINN: Don’t leave me.

COP 1: Don’t worry, you see all those people out side, they won’t let you get lonely. And no, I’m not going to protect you, no one could. Congratulations, you’ve just become the most wanted man in America, nay, the world.

SFX: Lazer cuffs him to the table.

COP 1: Com’on Mr. Mr, what did you say your name was again.

ISAAC: Burgos, Isaac Burgos.

COP 1: Alright Mr. Burgos, lets get you and this robot out of here before it gets ugly, so that you can testify against him. I’m sure there’s quite a few people that were on the take from him and they’re not going to be too happy right about now, since that you’ve let the cat out of the bag.

ISAAC: Alright.

BRIGGS: No, You can’t. Don’t leave me.

QUINN: Please, I’ll do anything. Pay you anything.

COP 2: Your money’s worthless now. All the money in the world couldn’t save you from them.

Sfx: yelling, the crowd gets louder and louder until they come breaking in through the windows.

Quinn and Briggs: No, No, Nooooooo!!!!!

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme closing with a final theme.

This episode featured the talents of
Writer: _________
And featuring the voices of (actors say their name): ________
Music and Sound FX by: __________
Mixed by:_______
This has been a presentation of SCAD Radio Dramas, tune in for news about the all new Terra Novus: Season 2: The only thing harder than finding Terra Novus, will be keeping the path to it open and safe. Coming soon, here on SCAD RADIO. For more information on this and other upcoming shows join the Scattered facebook group – that’s SCAD-RD, s-c-a-d-r-d, savannah college of art and design radio dramas, on facebook.

Terra Novus, Ep. 10 - Malpractice

DJ: And now for our feature presentation of TERRA NOVUS: and original radio drama Created and presented by SCAD Radio Dramas (Scattered).

SFX: Intro theme.
dj: last week on terra novous...
Sfx: Morris walks up. Start a manipulative evil theme.

Morris: What’s going on here? What’s wrong with Dylan. God, Graham you look like hell, which side of that laser turret were you on?

Graham: It’s Liam sir. He’s trying to sabotage the mission. First he shot down Aurora’s ship, I tried to stop him but he beat me down. Then he gave Dylan pills he knew she was allergic to, I was there.

Liam: What!? I.. You shot down Aurora’s ship.

Graham: I was giving her cover fire just fine until you came over and started hitting me, causing me to lose control of my turret.

Sfx: Music gets tense, fast paced.

Morris: Is this true Liam? Did you..

Liam: (Stammering) No, I mean.. I didn’t mean to.. He started it, he was trying to -

Dylan: Breathing gets worse. She begins to choke.

Dylan: (in her head, increase reverb) Morris, Graham did it. He did everything, don’t listen to him. He’s an alien imposter. Liam’s innocent.

(Cut to)

Morris: Can’t we get her to sick bay and do something?

Graham: No, wait. He gave her the wrong medication, I think he’s trying to kill her sir. Don’t put her back in the hands of that monster!

Liam: Monster! You’re the one who..

Morris: Liam!

Sfx: music cuts out.

Liam: What?

Morris: Did you?

Sfx: music comes in sad for Liam. It’s tragic how he is being betrayed, this man is turning the whole crew against him.

Liam: Well.. I - if he hadn’t spilled the pills all over the place I wouldn’t have had a hard time trying to figure out which one was which.

Morris: Don’t they have some sort of symbol you could recognize, a letter to differentiate them from -

Graham: He’s illiterate sir, He can’t read of write. Not even to save her life.

Sfx: start sad plot point theme.

Morris: What’s this, an illiterate doctor? In charge of my crew’s safety.

Liam: I can too, I was.. Learning.

Morris: Learning?

Liam: (breathing faster) I–

Morris: Save it. Lock him in the barracks until we have more time to question him.

Dylan: (in her head) The barracks? But he’s the...

Dylan: (In her head) No! Liam, tell them. Wait, even you don’t know that he’s a shape shifter. No one but I do but I can’t tell anyone... I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!

Dylan: (coughing, gasping, choking! Faints)

SFX: music gets concerned for her. Dylan falls to the floor unconscious.

Liam: Dylan!

Morris: Get him in the barracks before he gets someone else hurt.

Graham: It would be my pleasure.

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

Dj: And now for the continuation of terra novus. Episode 10.

Morris: What do we do about her? I don’t know how to help her and we don’t have the time figure it out.

Isaac: Freeze her.

Morris: What?

Isaac: Use the chriosleep station. It will put her in a state of suspended animation and give us time to figure out what to do.

Dylan (in her head): No! Isaac, if you freeze me I’ll never get to tell you about Graham. He’s going to take over the ship!

Morris: Show me what to do.

SFX: Transition music

ISAAC: (Grunting as he carries her) watch her head, here, hold her for a second. I got to get the door.

Sfx: hits a button and a large piston operated door opens to the chamber, gas comes out.

MORRIS: Shivvers, it’s cold.

ISAAC: It will be safe. Come on help me lay her down. (Grunt)

sfx: lay her down. Sigh once they let her go.

ISAAC: Okay, now stand back.

SFX: Chamber shuts.

ISAAC: Okay here we go.

Sfx: presses a few buttons and the gas pours into the chamber and pressurizes and squeaks like Darth Vader’s helmet. The hissing stops and a beep indicates the process is complete.

MORRIS: Now what?

ISAAC: It’s done. She’s safe. The question is what do we do? We’ve got a dead pilot and her new born, a stolen android, a doctor imprisoned for possible malpractice, and a communications engineer in chrio-sleep, what else could possibly happen?

MORRIS: I guess it’s back to earth. You were right when you said it was their right to know what’s going on up here. (Sighs) Even if I don’t receive a single republic credit from it.

ISAAC: See now That’s what I’m talking about, I knew you’d finally come around.

Morris: (Scoffs) yeah, I knew it was the right thing to do all along. It just so happened to be the hard thing to do, also.

Isaac: It usually is.

Morris: Watch it, your starting to sound like your old man.

Isaac: (Chuckles.)

SFX: transition music. Then dark sad music.

Graham: Get in there!

Sfx: Graham throws Liam into a corner. Graham then shuts a creaks gate which sizzles with electricity.

Liam: You got a lot of guts pulling that stunt up there. (Panting) What happened, did Dylan catch on to you too, is that why you gave her the wrong pills? To shut her up. (Scoffs) You’ll never get away with this.

graham: My boy, I’ve already managed to get three members of your crew including you out of my way, what makes you think I would have problems with these last two? Besides I don’t have to “get away with it” I just have foil their plans long enough to make sure your crew does not succeed.

Liam: Why? Why are you doing this? Who are you?

Graham: Not who, but (in alien voice) what!

Sfx: Liam gets up and runs at him.

Liam: Why you -

SFX: the cell electrocutes and burns his hands.

Liam: Nuuugh! My hands, (panting in pain and desperation) A laser cell.

Graham: Just a precaution to make sure you don’t try anything while I’m gone. Wouldn’t want you pulling anymore of that hero bullshit you seemed to have developed the backbone for recently.

SFX: Door opens and Isaac and Morris walk in.

Morris: Everything alright.

Liam : Quite alright captain, he resisted - as usual - but not to worry, I was in control - as usual.

Morris: (suspiciously) uh huh? Can I have a word with you outside for a minute?

LIAM: Sure thing.

MORRIS: Isaac you can keep an eye on him can’t you.

ISAAC: Yes Captain.

SFX: Graham starts walking, then stops.

Liam: Oh yeah, and Isaac don’t believe anything he tells you. He’d say anything to get out of there.

SFX: Morris and Graham walk out and the door shuts. Music becomes sympathetic and with anticipation – like it is a necessity to be quick.

Liam: You gota’ get me out of here, he’s mad. Insane.

ISAAC: What, Graham? Look he’s not my favorite guy either but...

LIAM: No. You don’t understand, he’s not right. He’s not the same person who we started this mission with.

ISAAC: Hey, I’ve changed, what’s the big deal? We all have. (Swallows hard) Those of us that are left. (Sighs.)

LIAM: No. I mean he’s not Graham. He’s...

Isaac: He’s what? (Waits) What?

Liam: I don’t know, he’s something else.

Isaac: Look if you know something tell me, if not, then stop wasting my time with your guilt-ridden theories of why I shouldn’t trust “another” one of my crew just because you feel bad that Aurora’s gone.

Liam: Alright I don’t know what he is, I don’t have any proof. But I think Dylan did, that’s why Graham switched her medication.

Isaac: Wait a second, are you saying-

Liam: You might not believe me, you might not take my word for it - why should you. You barley know me, but I know you know and trust Dylan.

Isaac: (Sighs impatiently)

Liam: Use the jumpgate so you can get to earth fast, get her help and get her out of chriosleep. Keep her safe, I think she knows more than either of us about just how far down the rabbit hole we really are.

Isaac: (Sighs)

Liam: Oh and one more thing. Don’t leave Graham in charge of anything important, if you believe me at all even if its just a little bit, don’t let him put the mission in jeopardy, (emphasizing every word) don’t - leave Graham - in charge.

Isaac: I’ll take care of it.

Sfx: transition music.

MORRIS: Alright are we ready to do this thing?

Graham: All right, lets just go over it one more time. Isaac you’re taking BOB to the planet’s surface, and you’re going to try to break into IGSTA and hack into their global satellite system.

Isaac: Well, more or less. Bob will do the “hacking,” he says after the beacon was removed he was able to recover passwords and clearance codes from before he was decommissioned.

Morris: Let’s hope they’re still good.

GRAHAM: Meanwhile, we’ll jam the control panel stay open so they can’t shut it down and deny it and when you give the signal I press the button –

Isaac: Well, maybe Morris should do it. Maybe, you can just monitor Liam - since you are so set on thinking he’s going to try to “interfere.”

Graham: (Through his teeth) But I -

Morris: I’ll press the button.

Graham: (Sighs angrily) Fine. (Irritated) fine, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll still be able to — (suspiciously) I’ll still be able to watch the prisoner.

Morris: And what about Dylan?

Graham: She can wait.

Isaac: No, I’m taking her too.

Graham: What? That wasn’t part of the p-

Isaac: It’s going to take BOB a few minutes to get into the system anyway, there are chrio-stations at IGSTA for this very same reason. It will take her a while to come fully out of it, but I figure she’ll be another set of hands when she does - and we could use that right now. And it won’t take but a minute to set the chrio-chamber for decompression.

Graham: (Sighs) I still don’t know why you don’t just wait until after we send the signal, I mean she doesn’t know anything valuable that could help you.

Isaac: We’ll see about that.

Graham: (Growls quietly.) (in his mind) What did Liam say to him? I knew I should have never left them alone. (Sighs) It doesn’t matter anyway, all will be revealed soon enough.

Sfx: plot thickens theme. A door opens and metal feet come walking in to the room.

BOB: I have completed the data file you requested.

Isaac: Alright how does it work?

Sfx: start reminiscent telling theme.

BOB: I set up the text file that will be automatically sent to all e-mail accounts globally. Over audio-devices I’ve programmed the message to be read through a voice synthesizer, which will adapt and translate itself for foreign languages based on what network it is received in. All cell phones and hand held devices connected to wireless internet will receive the signal simultaneously, and lastly all tv-stations will be bombarded by the voice synthesizer and additionally the security-camera footage and sound clips that were restored after the tracking beacon was removed. The signal should loop for 24 hours or until they find a way to break the encryption code. There is however one slightly larger obstacle we must first deal with.

Isaac: And what is that.

Bob: The engine.

Morris: (in a different room) Hey! Guys, I think you better have a look at this.

Sfx: the two of them go running.

Isaac: (Calmly) What is it? What is going – (swallows dryly) on.

Morris: No, I know that what. It’s Aurora’s baby. It’s the how that I’m wondering.

Graham: He’s floating.

Isaac: And sort of glowing.

Sfx: The baby laughs levitating and the engines ironically in sinc start up.
Graham: (mad because he doesn’t want them to succeed) How in the…

Morris: I don’t know if it was the exposure to sun’s radiation back on that planet, the ghost of aurora or that this kid had one heck of a daddy but whatever it is it looks like our problem is solved.

GRAHAM: alright, so all we have to do is get you into IGSTA and interfaced with the main computer?

graham: (Scoffs) Oh, yeah. That’s all, like we’ll just walk right in the front door.

Sfx: The ships laser cannons fire blowing a massive hole in the wall of a building.

Morris: you were saying?

Graham: (unenthusiastic) Hey, whatever works.

Sfx: the ship hovers in place as the door opens, BOB and Isaac get out. They are pulling Dylan in a hovering chriochamber.

Isaac: (yelling into his communicator) wait till we get clear and then shoot out the next floor up on this side so the debris will block this gap in the wall. Good luck and don’t forget when I say send the signal you --

Morris: (Over the communicator) Can do, hey Graham, wait till they get c-

SFX: music kicks up to evil action music. The ship’s laser cannons load and fire, blowing out the room above sending debris hurdling towards Isaac and Bob.

Isaac: Jump!

Sfx: All the debris comes crashing down, cracking the glass on Dylan’s chriochamber, and crushing Bob’s legs like pop cans, blocking out the sound of the ship and making things silent. The last few pebbles roll to a stop and the only noise that can be heard is little bits of dust settling. The music fades out.

Isaac: (Coughing.) So much for waiting. Oh my god Bob. Bob, are you okay.

BOB: I believe my legs are no longer functional, other than that I suffered only minor scratches but I calculate all major systems are still online.

Isaac: Alright so you can still do the uplink?

BOB: Yes.

Isaac: Alright, Well, let me get these rocks off you and then do you think you can get yourself to the terminal and get started?

BOB: Yes, I’ll be quite fine. It is humorous, is it not? All my life I wanted to be more human and finally I am in a situation where it is a good thing I do not have the feeling you call pain. That I cannot die, that I am not as fragile as you human’s bodies are.

Isaac: Consider yourself lucky.

Sfx: Isaac grunts and throws some rocks off onto the floor, Bob pulls himself out from under them and crawls away to the terminal.

Isaac: Hey, where’s... Dylan!

Sfx: He runs across the room to her chriochamber and starts throwing off rocks and dusting off the glass. We can hear a faint hissing noise like air escaping.

Isaac: Dylan? Oh no, it looks like the cave-in cracked her chriochamber. If they air escapes too quickly she could die. I have to get her to medical.

SFX: Plot thickens theme. He throws a few more rocks off and grunts, pulling her chriochamber out from under some rocks, it hovers once more.

Isaac: I’ll be back in a few minutes, keep in touch over the communicators.

SFX: Bob locks into the computer and data can be heard connecting between him and the computer. It fades off and Isaac pushes Dylan away, through the doors. Transition music.
Fade in with the ship hovering in the background, we are outside and it is raining hard. Both men are straining to be heard over the rain.

Morris: What were you thinking? You could have killed them.

Graham: They’re fine, let’s just do our job and get out of here. Are you done yet?

Sfx: Morris flips a switch and the device whirrs online. It beeps to confirm it is operational.

Morris: (Grunts as he works) There, I’ve got it. Now they won’t be able to shut down the jump gate thanks to this jamming device, and it’s rigged to explode if they try to remove it.

Sfx: sirens can be heard in the distance.

Graham: Come on let’s get out of here. Let’s get to a safe distance before the cops come. We still have to send the signal, remember?

MORRIS: Alright, lets go.

Sfx: They both run back onto the ship, we fallow them and hear their footsetps as they come inside. The door closes and the rain can still be heard but from inside. Morris sits down and starts turning the control console on.

Morris: It saved lives but that fire alarm trick alerted the police too fast, Isaac and bob aren’t going to have enough time to get into the system before they get in there and shut them down. (Sighs) I wish there was a way I could help them? Do something.

SFX: The sirens start getting louder, we hear the ships turrets being turned on. The music shrieks.

Morris: What? No, wait, Graham!

Sfx: Outside the laser turret fires hitting several cop cars as they pull up causing them to explode and flip and roll, others cop cars swerve to avoid the exploding cars. Graham is laughing maniacally. Thunder strikes, transition music. A door opens and Isaac comes in pushing Dylan’s hover chrio-chamber as it seeps with air.

ISAAC: (Breathing heavily from running) It’s going to be okay Dylan, were here. I just have to get your chrio-chamber locked into one of the decompression units. If I could just fi-- there they are.

Sfx: he pushes her over to the decompression chamber. You can hear the sound of the hovering chriochamber change as he maneuvers her into position.

ISAAC: There we go.

SFX: The decompression chamber hisses and then locks into the chriochamber, like a vacuum seal as it shares air with the chamber.

ISAAC: Alright now just set it for decompression.

Sfx: He presses some buttons on the side of her chamber and hits a final key that starts a cycle of a piston like thing filling with air and then releasing it. We can hear the pressure going down in her chamber over the course of the next minute or so.

ISAAC: Okay, so now I need to call Graham and find out what I need to give her to stop the allergic reaction or we’ll be in the same situation we were on the ship, before we put her in chriosleep.

SFX: He presses the button on his communicator.

ISAAC: Morris do you copy, over?

SFX: Static. He presses the button again. Music is choppy like jaws.

ISAAC: Morris, this is Isaac I need to speak with Liam, over.

SFX: Static as we hear stations coming in and out, wheeows and so on. He bangs it against the table and presses the button again.

ISAAC: It’s important damn it!

SFX: Static.

Isaac: Shit, it must have been damaged in the cave in. (Sighs angrily) I’m going to have to find it myself, but I’ve got to move fast I only have a few moments before she’s starts breathing again. Oh, Dad if you could see me now.

SFX: He presses the button on the communicator.

Liam: BOB can you hear me? See if you can get communication with the ship, I think my communicator’s only working at short distances. I think something happened to it in the cave in or it’s the storm or something.

SFX: He starts pilling through cabinets looking for the shot he needs for Dylan. The communicator is static while he waits for Bob to reply. Music gets increasingly tense.

ISAAC: Come on, come on!

SFX: He bangs the communicator. And it suddenly jumps to BOB’s voice.

BOB: Isaac, I am almost ready. When you get done with Dylan come back here and you can use my communicator.

ISAAC: Okay, will -

Sfx: a laser gun fires blowing out the windows in the room, the music cuts out.

Sfx: Down the hall we can hear a SWAT team hit the doors with a battering ram a few times and then break it open, they come running closer and closer.

Isaac: That was fast.

Dylan: (choking)

Isaac: Oh no.

Sfx: Isaac quickly crawls over the broken glass to Dylan. Music starts getting tense again.

ISAAC: Dylan, Dylan. Look I know you’re scarred but you have to help me. Which one of these medicines do I need to give you?

Dylan: (continues to choke and gasp for air, even cough).

ISAAC: Come on Dylan, in every since of the word - we don’t have much time!

DYLAN: (tries to speak.)

ISAAC: This one?

DYLAN: Tries to speak again.

ISAAC: (Nervous) Okay, alright!

SFX: He loads a syringe and injects her. It hisses slightly like it was filled with co2.

ISAAC: Come on. Hold on to me, we have to go. I’ll carry you.

SFX: He picks her up and runs across the floor, kicks the door open and books it down the hall away from the cops.

COPS (from inside their helmets): There’s one of them. Open fire.

SFX: Action music. The cops fire their automatic laser guns, which ricochet and hit all sorts of things around Isaac as he runs panting. Dylan is starting to cough and breathe a bit better. Isaac slumps down around a corner panting. The music cust down to a high note – it’s a break, but it’s all about anticipation now.

Dylan: Graham, he’s an imposter. An ali.. (cough) an alien shape-shifter from Neb-kinar. Graham is a Kodukai.

ISAAC: Dylan, are you sure. Are you sure you’re not just hallucinating because of the chrio-sickness?

DYLAN: (Gasping) I heard it from the real (then just panting) Graham himself.

Sfx: Music hits final note confirming it is true, similar to the plot thickens theme but more final.

ISAAC:(Sighs) Liam was right! I should have listened to him. I have to tell Morris.

SFX: He presses the button on his communicator.

ISAAC: Morris, this is Isaac. Graham is an imposter, a doppelganger. Get away from him. Liam was right, you have to get out of t–

SFX: a laser gun fires, comes zipping toward him and hits his communicator - destroying it. The bits fall to the ground smoking. The music shrieks and then stops.

COPS: (over a megaphone) Come out with your hands up.

ISAAC: I can’t stop now, were too close.

DYLAN: You’re going to get yourself killed, plus you can’t run fast enough carrying me.

ISAAC: Well I guess were just gong to have to find out.


Isaac: Grunts as he stands up and runs.

Cops: Halt!

SFX: Action music. Police fire their automatic laser guns. Dylan screams as debris is thrown everywhere, glass shattering around them etc. Finally he gets the end of the hall, turns a corner and kicks the doors open. He lets Dylan down.

DYLAN: Ungh! Hey y-

ISAAC: Are we good Bob?

BOB: Yes, the uplink is complete now we just need Morris to send the signal.

SFX: Isaac pushes a table over in front of the doors and stacks as much stuff as he can find on them to block the doors.

ISAAC: Dylan, get on Bob’s communicator and tell Morris to send the signal.

Sfx: Outside, the police run up to the other side of the door and start banging on it.

Isaac: (straining to keep the door shut) Now!

Sfx: Lighting cracks, transition music.

Morris: Are you out of your mind?

Graham: You said “do something.”

Morris: Yeah, something, I didn’t mean this.

Dylan: (coming through the communicator full of static.) ... ifff– youuu -ca— hea... this. Send the.. Ignal. Do – –u cop–Y. We’re ready Morris, send the signal.

Morris: Alright Isaac, don’t worry I’m going to go press the button now.

Sfx: Morris walks over to the control panel as he talks. Start eerie double-crossing theme.

Morris: There’s no way any of us are going to get out of this now Graham. You’ve doomed us all to a life behind bars. You’ve murdered policemen in cold blood. It won’t matter what we tell them now, were all going to be locked up.

Graham: (sinisterly) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Morris: Yeah, (scoffs) like I’m not going to press the button now that they’re ready for it, and throw away everything this mission has been building up to. (Chuckels) You kill me, you know that Graham.

Sfx: music cuts off.

Graham: well, since you asked me so nicely.

Sfx: gun charges up.

Morris: (Gasps)

sfx: a laser gun fires, hitting Morris in the chest.

Morris: Gkk-ah!

Sfx: Thunder cracks and transition music. Music is intense, full of immediacy.

Isaac: Come on, come on. What’s taking them so long?

DYLAN: Maybe they didn’t get the signal, like in the other room. Better try again.

Isaac: Sighs impatiently.

Sfx: He presses the button on the communicator.

Isaac: It’s now or never! Send the signal Morris! Send it –-

sfx: She’s cut off by a sharp noise like a microphone giving feedback. Dylan and Isaac wince at the noise. Then a channel comes into tune from static.

Graham: (over the communicator) I will never send your signal.

Isaac: Graham? Graham is that you?

Graham (over the communicator): I don’t know why you keep calling me Graham. When you should be calling me.. (voice changes and he morphs back into his true form) Pat-mok!

Dylan and Isaac: (Gasp!)

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

DJ: Join us next week for the exciting conclusion of Terra Novus at the same time (show time), (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.

This episode featured the talents of
Writer: _________
And featuring the voices of (actors say their name): ________
Music and Sound FX by: __________
Mixed by:_______
This has been a presentation of SCAD Radio Dramas, tune in every week at (show time) every (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.

Terra Novus, Ep. 9 - Selfless

DJ: And now for our feature presentation of TERRA NOVUS: and original radio drama Created and presented by SCAD Radio Dramas (Scattered).

SFX: Intro theme.
dj: last week on terra novous...

Gail: (Pause, growls quietly and then screams freakishly.) We must avenge the fallen, we must have revenge, we must destroy you.
Sfx: channel cuts out to static.

Aurora: Well it looks like reason didn’t work, did it?

Liam: No.

Isaac: What do we do then?

Morris: What do we do about the bomb, the war!

AURORA: Its our nuclear core their using as a weapon, its our responsibility. But it’s my responsibility for closing the door on Gail.

Isaac: And saving all of us!

Aurora: I know what I have to do.

Sfx: (start triumphant sad theme)

Aurora: I’m sorry we couldn’t have spent more time together. Be strong, I love you my child. take care of her for me, Liam.

Baby: coos.

Morris: Wait, Aurora –

Isaac: Wait, where are you going?

Sfx: Spins a hatch open and opens a creaky door.

Aurora: I’m the one they want. I’m going to go teach them to be careful what they wish for.

Liam: No. don’t!

Sfx: Slams shuts creaky hatch and spins the hatch shut from the other side, like on a submarine.
Liam: Wait! Aurora! Open the door!

Sfx: Bangs on door, and strain to open it.

Morris: Grunts and strains trying to open the door. Eventually sighs. I can’t get it open, it won’t budge. She must have jammed the lock with something.

Isaac: Where’s she going?

Morris: I think she’s trying to knock out two bird’s with one stone.

Liam: She’s taking the surveyor pod. She’s hailing them.

Morris: Put them on.

Sfx: Static shifting through channels until it comes on clear.

Aurora: Alright Gail, if it’s me you want. Come and get me!

Gail: screams, agreeing!

Dj: And now for the continuation of terra novus. Episode 9.

Isaac: Look the jump gate is opening.

Sfx: jump gate creates a wormwhole and establishes a connection to the other planet, it becomes windy.

Morris: Oh my god, look. Through the jumpgate, I can see the whole Kodukai army. And look there, I can see the Bounty Hunter’s ship coming down between Aurora and the jump gate, they are going to try to head her off.

Isaac: If she makes it fast enough, I think she’s probably going to try to get the Kodukai to follow her through the wormhole and then crash her skiff into their jumpgate on the other side before the kodukai can get their bomb through.

Liam: But how will she get back?

Isaac: That’s just it, (sighs) she won’t.

Sfx: Plot thickens theme. We can hear the skiff outside power up and fly off.

Graham: (Under his breath) she must not be allowed to stop them, they have to get that bomb through, we must succeed and take our planet back. (With a hint of alien voice) I must stop them.

Liam: (Swallows hard) Well. Com’on, would someone help me here, if we can’t stop her let’s at least give her some cover fire.

Sfx: arms and turns turret online - use sound effects from episodes 3. Buckle in.

Graham: (Mischievously) I’ll help.

Sfx: music is action packed but off, evil, double-crossing. The other turret load and comes online. Buckle in.

Liam: Lock and load!

Sfx: Liam’s laser cannons start firing and then Graham’s joins in.

Liam: What are you doing Graham, you’re going to hit her?

Sfx: Laser blasts narrowly zip by.

Isaac: That one almost hit her.

Graham: (Sarcastically) Oh no, I forgot to sight in the laser turrets, they’re a little off. I barley had time to repair them since the Bounty hunter took them out the first time.

Sfx: plot development theme.

Liam: Well than adjust for it, you idiot.

Graham: I’m trying.

Liam: (enraged and obviously taking his anger out with his shooting) Are you, or are you just hoping you do bad enough she ends up just like Dylan.

Graham: (Calm) Oh don’t exaggerate. And even if I did hit her you would thank me because it means you would get your mistress back.

Liam: Mistress?! (Breathes in angrily) Alright Graham lets do some exaggerating?

Sfx: Liam throws off his headset and turns off his turret and runs toward Graham. He punches him across the jaw. Start desperate emotional action music.

Graham: spitting blood. Ungh!

Liam: Get over here you double crossing bastard.

SFX: Picks up by his shirt and continues to pummel him as the gun continues to fire randomly ricocheting and hitting different objects.

Morris (over the intercom): Just what the hell is going on up there?

Liam: The pill bottle, the recon mission, ever since Neb-kinar you’ve been foiling our plans every step of the way and at the risk of our crews’ lives. And I for one am not going to sit around and watch you get another one of our crew members...

Sfx: A final punch send Graham spinning, causing his turret to swing around while firing. One of the shots hits Aurora’s ship. It starts to go down. Desperate music starts.

Morris: (over the intercom) They hit her, you idiots you got the wrong one!

Isaac: (over the intercom) I think she can still make it.

Morris: (over the intercom) Come on Aurora. You can do it... pull up, pull up.

SFX: plane continues to dive bomb but stays aloft, music turns to heroic enduring tragic theme.

Morris: How’s she keeping that thing flying?

Isaac: I don’t know but she’s doing it. She’s doing it and she’s going to make it, look.

Sfx: The ship sputtering and engine failing, flames raging on the ship and parts falling off.
Music is particularly emotional, beautiful.

Morris: Go.. go.

SFX: Music peaks as she flies through the wormhole, the bounty hunter’s ship fallows and then she pulls up just in time to crash into the jumpgate unit on the other side. A massive explosion is created and a shockwave is sent out, the wormhole closes and all becomes silent. After a few seconds we hear sad echoes of the previous theme, but sad now.

Isaac: She did it, She did it!

SFX: Liam hears the explosion and stops punching Graham.

Liam: (Panting) She’s gone...

SFX: Liam drops Graham, who groans as he slumps to the floor bloodily. Mournful theme.

Morris: She... She did it. (Scoffs) I mean she really pulled it off. She saved us all.

Isaac: Yes she did.

Morris: (Scoffs) a girl. Who’d of thought.

Sfx: Change to heroic memorial theme.

Isaac: Yes, Aurora was a woman. But she was also a pilot.

Morris: One hell of a pilot, I’ve never seen anyone pull off something like what she just did. (Pauses) I owe her more respect than I ever showed her.

Isaac: You owe her your life.

Morris: I know. (Swallows hard, and thoughtfully pauses) I know.

Sfx: Transition music. Fade in slowly on Dylan breathing, slowly her breathing gets harder, the music gets more dangerous, her breathing gets more restricted, until it gets to the point that she wakes up gasping for air. The sound of a heartbeat gets louder and faster. She desperately claws her way out of bed and frantically knocks over medical supplies stumbling to the door barefoot. She grunts with every step on her left leg. She agonizingly gets to the door and opens it – coming out to the crew.

Dylan: (As best she can, whispering and weak) Help me.

Sfx: Music is high, freaky, on strings and in wrong notes.

Graham: You’re awake.

Dylan: (Scared and panic breathing). You’re not G...

Graham: (Mockingly) I’m not what? What? I’m sorry I didn’t catch that. - What’s wrong, not feeling so good?

Sfx: Liam comes running over.

Liam: Out of the way grease monkey. Dylan, Dylan what’s wrong. Why are you pointing at Graham?

Dylan: (struggles to get a word out but ends up just coughing and gasping for air).

Liam: You can’t breathe? But why would... You?!

Sfx: Morris walks up. Start a manipulative evil theme.

Morris: What’s going on here? What’s wrong with Dylan. God, Graham you look like hell, which side of that laser turret were you on?

Graham: It’s Liam sir. He’s trying to sabotage the mission. First he shot down Aurora’s ship, I tried to stop him but he beat me down. Then he gave Dylan pills he knew she was allergic to, I was there.

Liam: What!? I.. You shot down Aurora’s ship.

Graham: I was giving her cover fire just fine until you came over and started hitting me, causing me to lose control of my turret.

Sfx: Music gets tense, fast paced.

Morris: Is this true Liam? Did you..

Liam: (Stammering) No, I mean.. I didn’t mean to.. He started it, he was trying to -

Dylan: Breathing gets worse. She begins to choke.

Dylan: (in her head, increase reverb) Morris, Graham did it. He did everything, don’t listen to him. He’s an alien imposter. Liam’s innocent.

Sfx: (Flash back sequence from episode 7, increase reverb)
Dylan: Just pull out the old fuse.

Sfx: Pulls out old fuse.

Dylan: And then put in the new one

Sfx: Puts in new fuse

Dylan: And this extra part to ensure their compatibility.

Sfx: Clicks last part in and sparks stop. Communications grid warms up and comes online.

Dylan: There we go.

Sfx: Shifting through static, channels until Graham’s voice can be heard.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the intercom) This is Graham ________ calling the NSS Vanguard do you copy?

Dylan: Graham? Why do you have a beard, What’s going on? And more importantly why are you calling me from the engine room.

Graham: Dylan, Dylan is that you. It’s been so long.

Dylan: Yes it’s me stupid. I just sent you downstairs to repair the engine with the new parts we got.

Graham: Okay, Dylan. Listen to me very carefully. The Graham that is on your ship is not me. He is an imposter, a shape-shifter.

Dylan: What? What ware you trying to pull?

Sfx: Start eerie music

Graham: Please, Dylan. When I was outside repairing the ship on _____ the Kodukai captured me, somehow stole my DNA, my memories, my knowledge and then shape-shifted into someone that looked like me but its not me. I’ve been held prisoner this whole time by the Kodukai, I saw your ship come down and I escaped, hoping I could reach one of you in time.

Dylan: Oh my God, Graham! What do I..

Graham: Listen, you have to get as far away from him as you can, he’s planning to-

Sfx: Music peeks. A tranquilizer gun fires. A dart hits Dylan.
Dylan: Nguh! (Sighs as passes out)

Sfx: Her body hits the floor.

Graham: Dylan? Dylan!!

Graham (transforming into alien voice): I didn’t stay on this ship all this time just to have you ruin it now, Graham!

Graham: Jurkal!

sfx: (end flash back sequence)

Morris: Can’t we get her to sick bay and do something?

Graham: No, wait. He gave her the wrong medication, I think he’s trying to kill her sir. Don’t put her back in the hands of that monster!

Liam: Monster! You’re the one who..

Morris: Liam!

Sfx: music cuts out.

Liam: What?

Morris: Did you?

Sfx: music comes in sad for Liam. It’s tragic how he is being betrayed, this man is turning the whole crew against him.

Liam: Well.. I - if he hadn’t spilled the pills all over the place I wouldn’t have had a hard time trying to figure out which one was which.

Morris: Don’t they have some sort of symbol you could recognize, a letter to differentiate them from -

Graham: He’s illiterate sir, He can’t read of write. Not even to save her life.

Sfx: start sad plot point theme.

Morris: What’s this, an illiterate doctor? In charge of my crew’s safety.

Liam: I can too, I was.. Learning.

Morris: Learning?

Liam: (breathing faster) I–

Morris: Save it. Lock him in the barracks until we have more time to question him.

Dylan: (in her head) The barracks? But he’s the...

Dylan: (In her head) No! Liam, tell them. Wait, even you don’t know that he’s a shape shifter. No one but I do but I can’t tell anyone... I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!

Dylan: (coughing, gasping, choking! Faints)

SFX: music gets concerned for her. Dylan falls to the floor unconscious.

Liam: Dylan!

Morris: Get him in the barracks before he gets someone else hurt.

Graham: It would be my pleasure.

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

DJ: Join us next week for the exciting continuation of Terra Novus every week at (show time) every (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.

This episode featured the talents of
Writer: _________
And featuring the voices of (actors say their name): ________
Music and Sound FX by: __________
Mixed by:_______
This has been a presentation of SCAD Radio Dramas, tune in every week at (show time) every (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.

Terra Novus, Ep. 8 - Revenge

DJ: And now for our feature presentation of TERRA NOVUS: and original radio drama Created and presented by SCAD Radio Dramas (Scattered).

SFX: Intro theme.
dj: last week on terra novus...
Sfx: Clicks last part in and sparks stop. Communications grid warms up and comes online.

Dylan: (grunts) There we go.

Sfx: Shifting through static, channels until Graham’s voice can be heard. Start a interesting, double-crossing theme.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) This is Graham, calling the NSS Exodus. Do you copy?

Dylan: (no echo now) Graham? Why do you have a beard? What’s going on? And more importantly why are you calling me from the engine room.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) Dylan, Dylan is that you. It’s been so long.

Dylan: Yes it’s me stupid. I just sent you downstairs to repair the engine with the new parts we got.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) Okay, Dylan. Listen to me very carefully. The Graham that is on your ship is not me. He is an imposter, a shape-shifter.

Sfx: plot thickens theme.

Dylan: What? What ware you trying to pull?

Sfx: Start eerie music, we can hear, quietly and in memory, the scene happening from script three where he is copied, in the background.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) Please, Dylan. When I was outside repairing the ship on Neb-Kinar, the Kodukai captured me, somehow stole my DNA, my memories, my knowledge and then shape-shifted into someone that looked like me - but it’s not me! I’ve been held prisoner this whole time by the Kodukai, I saw your ship come down and I escaped, hoping I could reach one of you in time.

Dylan: Oh my God, Graham! What do I..

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) Listen, you have to get as far away from him as you can, he’s planning to-

Sfx: Music peeks on a bad note. A tranquilizer gun fires. A dart hits Dylan.

Dylan: Nguh! (Sighs as passes out)

Sfx: Her body hits the floor.

Graham: (Statically and scratchy over the radio) Dylan? Dylan!!

Sfx: The fake graham walks up to the communications station.

Graham (transforming into alien voice): I didn’t stay undercover on this ship all this time just to have you go ruin it now, Graham!

Sfx: Plot thickens theme.

Graham: Pat-mok!

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

Dj: And now for the continuation of terra novus. Episode eight.

Sfx: Evil music building.

Pat-mok: That’s quite enough, Graham. We wouldn’t want her to go telling everyone my little secret, now would we? But then again you’ve already told her too much to have me let her live,
(pause) at least for a while. And thanks to this transmission I’ve been able to track your present location and relay it to a few of my fellow brethren, whom I believe are looking of you.

Sfx: Alien voices can be heard over the radio getting closer to Graham.

Pat-mok: Or should I say found you.

Graham: Struggles, you won’t get away with this Pat-mok.

Pat-mok: I already have. (Take him away) Take him away.

Alien on radio: Yes sir.

Sfx: The aliens hit him over the head and knock him out.

Graham: Ngh.

Sfx: Music gets into short jumps like jaws music. The signal goes static and then Pat-mok turns it off.

Pat-mok: And now to take you, my lovely, to see the doctor.

Sfx: Morphs back into Graham.

Graham (as his voice goes from alien to normal): We do have to make ourselves presentable, now don’t we?

Sfx: Transition music.

GRAHAM: Doc, you gota’ help her.

LIAM: What happened?

GRAHAM: I just found her like this, you gotta do something, right away.

LIAM: Here, give her to me.

Sfx: Hands her over, and Liam sets her on the doctors table. Start a mischievous double crossing dark theme.

LIAM: Would you get that bottle of pills from the top shelf. They’re in the red bottle with the white top. Make sure not to get them confused with the white bottle with the red top.

GRAHAM: Why, what are those?

LIAM: Oh those are pain killers - she’s allergic to them.

GRAHAM: (Mockingly innocent.) Really, now we wouldn’t want to give her those, would we?

LIAM: No, no we wouldn’t. Now quickly hand me the pills, right away and do be careful - they look dreadfully similar.

GRAHAM: Here you- oops.

Sfx: Bottle hits the ground pills go every where. Terrifying music notes cue with pills falling.

GRAHAM: (mockingly sarcastic) Oh clumsy me, I’m all thumbs today.

LIAM: But how do we know which ones are the right pills to give her?

Sfx: Evil, tension, pressure music.

GRAHAM: Oh you should be able to get it Doc, they have the initials of the medicine inscribed right on them - see.

LIAM: Oh, well, ah...

GRAHAM: What’s wrong, don’t you know which one it is now. All you have to do is... oh, I’m sorry. Do you-

Sfx: We can hear a heart beating faintly as it gets faster and faster.

LIAM: (Stammering and panting) no, I... I know which one it is. I can see it right there, I can (pause, scoffs) I can read it.

GRAHAM: Good, I mean if I didn’t know better I’d think you were illiterate. (Whew) good thing I was wrong though. Well, quick doctor, I think she needs treatment fast, she looks like she’s getting worse. Quick doctor, do something quick.

LIAM: I- I’m trying! Just give me a second!

GRAHAM: Come on, she’s fading fast! Which one?

LIAM: There’s got to be over a hundred pills here and they all look the same!

GRAHAM: But they only say two different things on them. Here.

Sfx: Picks up one of each pill.

GRAHAM: Here, I’ve got one of each, now all you have to do is read them and tell me which one.

LIAM: I.. (Stammers) isn’t Aurora back yet. Aren’t any of the others back yet. I.. cant you, cant you read them?

GRAHAM: Oh I can, but I don’t know what they mean. Can’t you doctor, can’t you read them? Please you pick one, I insist.

LIAM: Okay, okay.. The one on the.. Left. No right. Okay, left.

GRAHAM: Are you sure? We wouldn’t want a mix up.

LIAM:(Mumbles angry to self) okay it’s the left, I’m sure of it. Give it here.

Sfx: Hands it to him.

GRAHAM: Here you go, “doctor.”

Sfx: Dylan slurps the water down with the pill.

LIAM: Okay, she’s taken the medicine.

GRAHAM: So now what?

Sfx: Eerie music.

LIAM: Now we wait until she wakes up to see the results.

Sfx: Starts walking out, door opens.

GRAHAM: (Under his breath) If she wakes up at all.

LIAM: What was that?

GRAHAM: Oh nothing, just talking to myself.

SFX: Door shuts, transition music. A surveyor skiff flies closer and closer, then stops. Shuts down, people get off and run to he ship where the door opens and the others return. We can hear footsteps coming in and then the door shuts behind them.

Graham: Aurora, you found them.

Aurora: Yes. We found this surveying skiff and used it to get back as quickly as we could we have important news - but first, how’s Dylan?

Liam: I’ve treated her. She’s in medical, resting.

Graham: And how about you guys, what did all you discover.

Liam: Nothing we couldn’t have found out ourselves, if you hadn’t killed that Kodukai?

Sfx: Plot thickens theme. Tension ensues.

Morris: Wait, wait, wait. You killed a Kodukai?

Graham: He shot Dylan, I didn’t have a choice.

Liam: To kill someone in the heat of battle is one thing, but you were standing over him with a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. What was he saying to you anyway?

Graham: None of your damn business, Doc!

Sound fx: Pushes him, Liam goes stumbling backwards.

Liam: Hey!

Graham: At least I was trying help her before something happened, not like you doctors – waiting for people to get hurt so they can come to you. I was trying to prevent it, not just salvage what was left after they were done pulverizing her.

Sfx: Pushes him again, both go at one another but are held back by other crew members.

Liam: Hey, I would never... (struggles) yeah, yeah. Big man, Mr. “My gun is jammed” - I checked it and there was nothing, “nothing” wrong with it. So don’t act like such a hero bec-

Sfx: Music peaks and then cuts off.

Morris: All right, all right. Enough already. If you both would have been more careful you wouldn’t have run into that Kodukai in the first place.

Graham: He was guarding the communications tower that had the parts we needed.

Liam: He had already killed the terra-former guard that should have been at the post, we had no way of knowing he was -

Morris: Okay, okay! Whatever the story, the bottom line is - you guys did your job and got the parts, but you got Dylan shot in the process. (Pause) Now my team, on the other hand, was able to find out some very interesting news and NOT get one of our crew members shot while doing it. So unless either one of you have something constructive to add, I suggest you listen up!
Now we all know that this whole project has been kept under wraps to falsely boost the economy back on earth, and you guys ran into the “Kodukai intruders” – but what you didn’t know was that they are not newcomers to this planet at all, but rather natives.

Sfx: plot thickens theme. Dark reminiscent theme.

Morris: That’s right, an indigenous species pushed out by IGSTA’s terraforming project. Just like the Pilgrims and Indians, IGSTA tried to quickly and quietly exterminate all of them, and make it appear as though they had landed on a completely uninhabited planet, making it fair game to claim as ours - to change how we saw fit. So of course, the planned mass-genocide didn’t go completely as planned and left a few stragglers who left - fleeing to the nearby planet of Neb-ki-nar - that’s we ran into them there, and why they were so hostile towards us. They’ve vowed to return to their home, this planet, and take it back.

Liam: And now they have?

Morris: And in greater numbers, and strength. They plan revenge on all humans, and that’s not just limited to those on the Terraforming project - (pause) but on Earth as well.

Sfx: Plot thickens theme.

Aurora: But how, were so far from earth it would take the Kodukai weeks to make the journey to earth - even in hyperspace. And even if they knew the location, an army of that size couldn’t slip by undetected for that long of a flight through space.

Isaac: Unless they don’t fly.

Aurora: But then how would they -

Morris: A jump gate, otherwise known as a junction or - a large device capable of creating a wormhole allowing its travelers to quickly travel between it and another gate.

Aurora: But that would mean there would have to be a jump gate on e-

Morris: Earth. Yes.

Sfx: Plot thickens theme.

Morris: The original astronauts, who surveyed this planet, stole the technology from the Kodukai when they were pillaging their colonies and then reverse engineered it. Then they sent the plans to earth, where a counterpart was built. That is how they’ve been able to transport the mass amounts of materials and supplies needed for terraforming the planet in such a short amount of time.

Liam: Bastards!

Sfx: music changes to a heroic reminiscent theme.

Isaac: We have to tell them.

Graham: Who?

Isaac: Everyone on earth.

Liam: Tell them what, that their…

Isaac: That their government is hiding the fact that they’ve already found Terra Novus, that they’ve committed mass genocide on an intergalactic level, that they paid the crew aboard the Vanguard out there to die, and kill us if we came looking. And most of all, that they are covering it up so that they can make more money, use the extra tax dollars to fund their “secret project” and then sell tickets only to the highest bidder. This isn’t a vacation in Hawaii, this is our future that they’re doing this with. This planet is the only hope any of us have of living on, as a species. And if we can’t get past the petty war-profiteering, percentage-guaranteed backstabbing so common among earthlings, then everyone left on earth are all going to die down there.

Isaac: This new discovery should be for everyone, and with the jump gate I don’t see how they could justify saying it cost them money to transport us here. So everyone should be able to go.

Liam: But you’ll create a panic, mass hysteria.

Isaac: They deserve to know the truth. No more lies!

Aurora: We came out here to find the planet Terra-Novus, and we found it. And don’t think I’ve forgotten that you two had the same sick plan that IGSTA had, auctioning off the location to the highest bidder. You two are in it for the money, just like they are! You don’t care if it’s new money, American money, rubbles, yen, laundered money, earned money or even blood money – you came out here to try and turn a buck.

Morris: It might have started out that way, but after seeing what I’ve seen I don’t think I could--

Isaac: Oh yes you could, you’re so good a lying to us. Putting things off, so you don’t have to face up to them. My father wanted it to be free, he was a true explorer.

Morris: He was the only one of his kind on that ship! And it got him killed.

Sfx: Start sad reminiscent theme.

Isaac: Maybe it did, and it’s rare that you get an honest person working for the common good. Everyone’s out to get theirs, it’s the American way – well I’ll tell you something, if you haven’t looked around lately there’s not too many of us left out there. Our people, our animals, our resources and most of all our planet is dying. And if we can’t grow beyond our trivial differences and work together to get off this boat - we’re all going to go down with it.

LIAM: But.. How can you blame them with how the economy is down there, they have nothing left, I have nothing. I had to take this job just to survive, to keep my family off the streets.

Sfx: start changing toward a more heroic slow-moving theme.

Isaac: But you don’t have to be a slave to that system. You have a chance to change things here, change it all. If we keep fighting amongst our selves, keep going to war, humans fighting humans, were not going to live to see the end of this planet. When some other species finally does discover us, we’ll be that odd self-contained species that was too caught up in fighting itself that we forgot to fight for ourselves. We can cure cancer, and genetically alter our foods, clone animals and explore the deep reaches of space - but we can’t survive our own human nature. (Pause) We might not be able to change it yet, we haven’t been able to do it so far, but the least we can do is give our civilization more time to learn how.

MORRIS: That’s great Isaac, but I wasn’t done telling you what we’d found out.

Isaac: Oh.

Sfx: cut music out.

Morris: Remember our “missing” nuclear core?

Isaac: Yeah.

Morris: And the whole reason this class of space ship was made illegal? Well it happened; the Kodukai purposely stole it and modified it into a bomb, and their ready to use it in their war against the terraforming colony.

Sfx: Plot thickens theme. Start alien military theme.

Morris: And they have a massive army ready to guard their weapon and ensure its success. Their infantry and spies have already penetrated the colony’s defenses and taken over their some of their key buildings. That’s why you ran into one.

Liam: So what’s stopping them from using the bomb?

Morris: Nothing now. They’ve secured their position and are ready to open the jump gate from Neb-ki-nar to here. It could be any minute now.

Liam: What do we do? Things couldn’t get any worse.

Aurora: Looks like you spoke too soon. Sorry to interrupt captain, but were being hailed – it looks like it’s Osotica, the bounty hunter.

Sfx: start tense threatening action theme.

Liam: But how did he find us, I thought we removed the tracking beacon.

MORRIS: We did, I was sure of it. Gail took it, unless.

Isaac: Unless what?

Sfx: music cuts out to high pitched strings – anticipation.

Morris: Put him on.

Sfx: Shifting through static until on channel.

Sfx: Alien sounds and screams come through the radio.

Morris: Unless she used it, used it to lure the Bounty Hunter and take his ship.

Sfx: Music kicks back up as if they are doomed.

Aliens and Gail: You left us to die, you might have left us behind but we will make sure you will never forget us now!

Aurora: I stopped Dylan from opening the door. I’m the-

Liam: Aurora what are you doing?

Aurora: I’m the one you want.

Gail: You, you are the one who turned me into this, this --- thing. Now I will make you pay for it.

Morris: You chose to go out for that station. You disobeyed the order.

Sfx: in memory, from episode 6. Increase reverb. Music cues a reminiscent theme.

Liam: Aliens! I knew something was following us.

Morris: none like I’ve ever seen. It’s just one more reason to get back to the ship, now common.

Dylan: No. we need to repair the communications, it cant be more than half a mile now.

Morris: Not at the risk of my crew’s lives.

Gail: We can’t turn back now, not when were so close. They looks slow enough, I’ll bet we can outrun them.

Aurora: You might be able to out run them, but you wont make it back before sunrise.

GAIL: You all think im just someone who criticizes everyone else. That i’m here in someone else’s place, but you never looked at who I really am.

AURORA: Now’s not the time, we can talk about this once were on the ship. Now common, they’re closing in around us.

GAIL: im trying to tell you I was on the track team in college. i could run the quarter mile in -

MORRIS: This is not a discussion, I’m going to clear a path on three, and I want everyone back to the ship. One, two

Dylan: Three!

Morris: gail?! Get back here, you heard the-

Gail: Just make that path, I’ll meet you back at the ship.

(Cut to)

Dylan: There?!

Morris: What, what are you pointing at!

Dylan: It gail, she’s got it.

GAIL (getting louder as she comes out of the distance) (out of breath): I got it, I got the part guys. Wait for me.
SFX: aliens Yell as they take notice of her.

GAIL (trying to fight them off): Hey, get off of me. Get off of me!

SFX: aliens bites her and scream, as they tear open her suit.

Gail: oww. Ahhh!! help me! Get these things off of me.

Dylan: gail!

Isaac: No, Dylan. It was her choice to go back for it

Dylan: but they’re tearing her suit open, she’ll be completely unprotected from the radiation when the sun rises.

ISSAAC: we cant save her now. We have about 30 seconds to get everyone we can onto that ship and shut the doors or were all going to die, now common. You can save yourself or join her.

Sfx: they run from the ground onto the ship.

Morris: Common everyone on so I can shut the door, I cant hold them off much longer.

Sfx: Everyone runs on and sits. Morris keeps firing as the door shuts.

Morris: viewing shields! We’ve got to cover the ships windows before the sun rises or the radiation will penetrate the ship.

Sfx: Large blast doors start slowly closing.

(Cut to)

Sfx: sits and straps in, engines start firing up. The beings can still be quietly heard moaning and screaming. The ship starts to shake.

Morris: What was that?

Dylan: They’re right out side, they’re clawing at the ship

Isaac: they’re trying to get in.

Gail: (screaming and banging on the door) wait! Wait for me! I made it, im here.
Let me on, I have the part. Hey guys its me! Please!!

Isaac: What are you doing?

Dylan: Im opening the door, im gonna let her on.

Isaac: No, don’t. youl let them on too.

Dylan: No, ive got to, they’re killing her out there.

Aurora: No. the doors stay shut, the radio active sun of this planet has almost fully risen which means it’s at maximum power. It could kill all of us. I’m not letting that happen to my crew, to my baby.

Morris: me neither.

Dylan: So what you’re just going to let her die out there.

Isaac: She was already dead the moment she made her decision.

Dylan: Oh no, its happening.

Sfx: Screams get painful and louder outside as it sounds like flesh is burning and bubbling.

Gail: Let me, oonnn—iiiyyeee!!!!

Sfx: her voice gets distorted and changes as she mutates.

Isaac: They’re changing, its mutating them.

Dylan: Its killing them! GAIL!!!

Gail: Let me on, Dylan please! Isaac, I saved your life!! Just let me---( then her voice gets too distorted to recognize or understand)

Dylan (crying): That could have been me out there you bastard. would you have left me? Would you have left me if I would have went with her?

Aurora: I would have left anyone stupid enough to disobey an order. im not putting this crew in jeopardy like that again for one of you guy’s stupid mistakes. I have to do what’s best for the group, not individuals.

Dylan: cries and sobs.

Sfx: (End flashback)

Morris: You did this to yourself. There’s no one here to blame but yourself, Gail!

Gail: (Pause, growls quietly and then screams freakishly.) We must avenge the fallen, we must have revenge, we must destroy you!

Sfx: channel cuts out to static.

Aurora: Well it looks like reasoning didn’t work, now did it?

Liam: No.

Isaac: What do we do then?

Morris: What do we do about the bomb, the war!

AURORA: It’s our nuclear core their using as a weapon, it’s our responsibility. But it’s my responsibility for closing the door on Gail.

Isaac: And saving all of us!

Aurora: I know what I have to do.

Sfx: start theme (maybe like the childlike theme when she was born but more triumphant/heroic and sad.)

Aurora: Minerva, I’m sorry we couldn’t have spent more time together. Be strong, I love you my child. Take care of her for me, Liam.

Minerva: (coos.)

Morris: Wait, Aurora –

Isaac: Wait, where are you going?

Sfx: Spins a hatch open which creaks as if it is rusted and old.

Aurora: I’m the one they want. I’m going to go teach them to be careful what they wish for.

Liam: No. don’t!

Sfx: Slams shuts creaky hatch and spins the lock shut from the other side, like on a submarine. Plot development theme. Music becomes more and more tense leading up to the end.

Liam: Wait! Aurora! Open the door!

Sfx: Bangs on door, and strain to open it.

Morris: (Grunts and strains trying to open the door. Eventually sighs.) I can’t get it open, it won’t budge. She must have jammed the lock with something.

Isaac: Where’s she going?

Morris: I think she’s trying to knock out two bird’s with one stone.

Liam: She’s taken the surveyor skiff you guys used to get back. She’s hailing them.

Morris: Put them on.

Sfx: Static shifting through channels until it comes on clear.

Aurora: Alright Gail, if it’s me you want. Come and get me!

Gail: screams, agreeing!

SFX: Cliffhanger ending theme.

DJ: Join us next week for the exciting continuation of Terra Novus every week at (show time) every (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.

This episode featured the talents of
Writer: _________
And featuring the voices of (actors say their name): ________
Music and Sound FX by: __________
Mixed by:_______
This has been a presentation of SCAD Radio Dramas, tune in every week at (show time) every (show day of the week) night here on SCAD RADIO.